Monday, February 8, 2010

Ukrainian Catholic Church Visit

By: Kevin M. Lonergan
Seminarian, Fourth College

On Sunday February 7th all of the classes at the seminary from first year college to third year theology go out to a parish for a first hand experience of the Catholic Church within a different culture. This year my class, the fourth year collegians, went to St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church in Bethlehem. In addition to participating in the liturgy we were given the opportunity ask the pastor, Fr Gurovich, some questions as well as tour the church and sanctuary. Following the liturgy the parishioners held a social where we enjoyed some coffee and delicious baked goods.

I believe that it is invaluable for seminarians to be able to go out and to experience the Church in a new way. Whether it is in a different language or in an unusual style of liturgical celebration, the cultural differences in the Church today are a crucial part of the lives of the priests of the third millennium.

As I complete my time in the college seminary and look forward to being a theologian on the upper side and I see more and more the need for an understanding and appreciation for the different cultures that encompass the Catholic Church. I pray that these days in the seminary will assist me in a deeper understanding and appreciation for the vast number and beautiful languages and rituals that are the Catholic Church.

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