Saturday, February 13, 2010

Allentown Night

By:  Vincent Dranginis
Seminarian, Fourth College

Once a month as a Diocese we the seminarians and some of our wonderful Priests come together in fellowship, and spend an evening out for dinner somewhere in Philadelphia. This is a great event that we look forward to every month because we have the privilege of spending time with our Priests and each other as one big diocesan family.

This past week we all journeyed to a very nice Italian restaurant called Valentino’s. We were treated to a fabulous dinner complements of our Vicar General Msgr. Schlert. Also joining us for dinner was our Vocation Director Father Andy, and Father Jerome Tauber Assistant Pastor of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus in Hellertown.

I personally enjoy these evenings because we have a chance to be out of the seminary buildings for a time, and we have the opportunity to spend time with each other and enjoy a great meal. The dinner table is always a great place to encounter people for who they really are, just like the disciples on the road to Emmaus. I feel it is very special to “break bread” with your brothers who live and share the same vocational calling.

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