Thursday, December 30, 2010

What DO seminarians do during Christmas break?

By: Kevin Lonergan
Seminarian, First Theology

Kevin Lonergan next to Msgr. O'Connor in the back
Exams are finished; papers are written, and the car is facing the gate; but when seminarians arrive home, what do they do to occupy their time? Well, for most seminarians it is often one of the busiest times of the year! In between catching up with friends and family, many seminarians are put to work in their parishes helping to set up for the Christmas masses.

Everyone knows that churches fill up every Christmas season, and so having an extra set of hands around to help is often a great relief for pastors. But it is very important for seminarians to have a restful break and have time to relax before beginning the second semester.

This year I was fortunate enough to be invited by my pastor Msgr. O’Connor and Director of A.C.T.I.O.N. Youth Group Director Ms Debbie Walker to a performance of “The Christmas Miracle” in Lancaster Pennsylvania with the A.C.T.I.O.N youth group of Mahanoy City. There, we saw the Sights and Sounds Production of the birth of Christ in musical form, complete with live animals and special effects. It was a marvelous rendition of the Nativity story.

While staying busy at the parish and catching up with friends it is still crucial for all seminarians to have some good relaxation in order to enter into the second semester refreshed!

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